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April 2022
Wednesday April 13
All Day CoC meeting
Monday April 18
All Day Patriots Day
Thursday April 21
Open final exam requests for Fall 2022
Monday April 25
All Day Fall subject listing and schedule published
Wednesday April 27
All Day CoC meeting
Friday April 29
Deadline for flagging subjects and instructors and adding questions for end-of-term evaluations
9:00 am - 11:55 pm Open End-of-term subject evaluation Period
Saturday April 30
Conflict exam schedule communicated
May 2022
Monday May 2
All Day Pre-registration begins
All Day Online Grading Opens
Tuesday May 10
All Day CoC meeting
All Day Last day of classes
Friday May 13
12:00 am - 9:00 am Close End-of-term subject evaluation 9am – 9am
All Day Final Exam Period (2022SP)
All Day Grade deadline (no final)
Monday May 16
All Day Final Exam Period (2022SP)
Tuesday May 17
All Day Final Exam Period (2022SP)
Wednesday May 18
All Day Final Exam Period (2022SP)
Friday May 20
All Day Grade deadline (with final)
All Day Term summaries available to departments
Sunday May 22
All Day Term Summaries Available
Wednesday May 25
All Day CAP Degree Candidates Meeting
All Day GAP degree, performance meeting
Thursday May 26
All Day Advanced Degree Commencement events
8:00 am - 6:00 pm Pre-registration deadline
Friday May 27
All Day OneMIT & Undergraduate Commencement
Monday May 30
All Day Memorial Day
Tuesday May 31
All Day CAP Grades Meetings
8:00 am - 6:00 pm Registration opens for Summer
June 2022
Wednesday June 1
All Day CAP Grades Meetings
Monday June 6
All Day First Day of Summer Session
Wednesday June 8
All Day CAP Deferred Action Meetings
Thursday June 9
All Day CAP Deferred Action Meetings
Thursday June 16
All Day Pre-reg deadline, Fall
All Day CI-H/W Deadline
Monday June 20
All Day Juneteenth
No event found!


Catalog and Curriculum


Completed Tasks


Active Tasks



ALISON | MARTHA | MARTI - Follow up on April 4 with any departments who have proposals involving new subjects or substantial changes in draft status. Complete processing of all fall subject proposals.
PAM - Confirm with IS&T that the change in the timing of the initial load of new the warehouse is in place; notify TIP project once first production run is complete.
ALISON | MARTHA - Remind Jessica Landry of catalog deadlines for graduate subject proposals.
PETER H. | PHILIP | PATTY | GEN | TOM - Review assigned Bulletin changes as pages are routed through CourseLeaf workflow.
ALISON | MARTHA - Review / approve content for the Bulletin as they are routed through CourseLeaf workflow.
ALISON | MARTHA - Review departmental subject lists in CourseLeaf to identify any "unlinked" subject numbers cited in subject descriptions or that appear as prereqs, coreqs, or equivalents. Fix any identified problems in CIM (likely to be a removed or renumbered subject).
ALISON - Review appropriate CIS error reports after publication of online subject listing.
ALISON - After the fall subject listing is published, confirm that CIM subject data displays correctly. Check the newly-archived online listings to ensure that they have not been impacted by these changes.
ALISON - Run Bulletin Control error reports once fall schedule is published and follow up to make any necessary changes.
ALISON - Follow up with Elizabeth Young (OFY) regarding any outstanding proposals regarding freshman advising seminars prior to last CoC meeting.
ALISON | MARTHA - Follow up with departmental coordinators regarding catalog updates as needed. Consult with RPO in advance to avoid duplicating any messaging coming through the CourseLeaf system.
ALISON - Start compiling list of issues that will require follow-through from CoC for the next academic year, including those that will require consultation with other Faculty committees.
ALISON - Begin planning for summer projects, such as identifying CoC guidelines that will need to be updated, generating index of CoC proceedings, ensuring completeness of paper and electronic archives.
ALISON | MARTHA - If new CGP chair is appointed, arrange for new chair to receive training in subject proposal approval process.
ALISON - Finalize annual report for CoC.
PAM | ALISON | GEN | TBH (Kates role) - Collaborate to draft 2023-24 meeting schedules for CoC and CUP.

Schedules and Classroom Management


Completed Tasks


Active Tasks



PAM - Review / finalize system preparation test plans.
WAYNE - Communicate conflict exam schedule for Spring 2022 (April 20).
PAM - After conflict exam schedule is communicated, save snapshots of final exams in UniTime to compare with snapshots taken at the time the exam schedule was published (e.g., back-to-back stats, direct conflicts, period usage, etc.).
MEGHAN - Post final exam dates in Events section on MIT homepage.
PAM - Update spreadsheet showing comparative data for final exams and grades.
WAYNE | PAM - After fall subject listing is published (April 25)
SUSANNE | KATIE - Begin confirming ad hoc reservations for Fall 2022 on Thursday, May 26 (pending publication of online subject listing).
WAYNE - Continue to update schedule changes in UniTime for the fall semester and run the MITSIS jobs daily that relate to the process (CSB and SUB).
WAYNE | PAM - Finalize communication around the opening of the final exam request period for the fall term.
WAYNE - Notify Department Reps and open the Fall term in the final exam request application (April 1).
WAYNE - Notify Department Science Core Reps and launch CORE semester exam request website. (April 20)
PAM | WAYNE - Review / finalize system preparation test plans.
PETER B. - Prepare any communication that needs to be sent concerning room renovation and/or building projects in progress.
PETER B. - Confirm arrangements with Facilities concerning renovation work to be done during Summer 2022.
PETER B. - Finalize plans for classroom upgrades for the summer; update UniTime (room features) Browse Classrooms (images) as changes are made.



Completed Tasks


Active Tasks



PHILIP - Verify accuracy of degree dates in SFRSECDR and SGTGPTRM for the upcoming year.
PETER H. - Make sure "Next Fall/Spring Registration Day" rules are set up in SFRSECDR for P/NR subject processing.
ROSANNE - Send email to IS&T outlining support needs for end-of-term and Commencement.
DAVE - Review term dates on SGTGPTRM and SFRSECDR for Spring, Summer and Fall terms. Insure that newer codes such as Term Summary Control dates, CIH Deadline, etc. are entered.
MEGHAN | RI | CHRIS | DEB - Publish Academic Calendar



Completed Tasks


Active Tasks



TOM | MEGHAN - Update list of CI-H/HW subjects on website before fall pre-registration opens.
KARA | MEGHAN - Update list of HEX subjects on website before fall pre-registration opens.
DAVE - Prepare WEBSIS pages for pre-registration.
PETER H. | MEGHAN - Update registration instructions web page to reference fall registration instead of spring.
MARTHA - Ask Sloan for list of subjects to be excluded from Sloan bidding process during Fall pre-registration (April 3).
PETER H. - Ensure text of e-mail confirmation message for summer and fall pre-registration is accurate.
DAVE - Test pre-registration and the Subject Selector Tool after fall edition of the subject listing & schedule is published.
RECORDS TEAM - Test CI-H/HW and generic waitlist tools.
PHILIP - After add date run incomplete report and post default grades.
PHILIP - (after Drop Date & last day of classes) Run repeated subject process for currently registered students and, where appropriate, flag students’ records so that credit counts only once in the audit.
MARTHA - Follow up as needed with departments to clear any "offered not scheduled" and "scheduled not offered" subjects to ensure that the catalog and scheduling information is in sync.
PAM - Publish message on the subject listing and schedule related to the publication of the fall subject listings (April 25) and the opening of pre-registration (May 2).
PAM - Run "Summer registration is open" job on Toolkit Pre-Registration Main Menu at the opening of pre-registration (May 31).
PETER H. - Send email to academic administrators announcing the opening of pre-registration, for forwarding to students.
DAVE - Check that opening and closing dates are set in online registration for summer and fall terms.
PETER H. - Send email to departments about opening of online registration for summer.
PETER H. | PHILIP - Test Add/Drop for the Summer term in the TEST database.
PETER H. | RI - Before term summaries are run, query to make sure freshmen have not been set up in a department for the spring term instead of for summer.
WAYNE | PAM - Update subject listing and schedule and class schedule as needed.



Completed Tasks


Active Tasks



PETER H. | PHILIP - Execute test of OGS prior to opening of spring grading period
DAVE - Set up default grading period for online grading and any special grading periods needed for HST, Sloan and URN.
PETER H. - Check that any subjects activated late in SSASUSUB are added to the default grading period before grade sheets are loaded.
PETER H. - Send email to academic administrators regarding opening of online grading period and grade submission deadlines.
DAVE - Check that gradesheets were successfully loaded in online grading application when grading periods open.
PETER H. - Create any announcement(s) that should appear in online grading.
DAVE - Do not display grades on WebSIS until after 9:00 am on the first day of the final exam period. This will allow students to complete subject evaluations before they see their final grades.
PETER H. | DAVE - Run test term summaries. Check for: patterns of missing grades; all pages there; # flags; completed Is from prior term; GPA calculation; students in the wrong Course; C,W,WC, RW,R are in; audit messages correct for SB candidates. Validate that digital term summaries appear as expected.
SHIRLEY - Enter X's on O grades. Ri will pull list for S^3 once grades are posted.
RI | PETER H. - Run report to identify students for whom votes from last completed term must be written in on term summaries.
DAVE - Run back-up term summaries Friday evening, May 27.
RI - Run SQL program looking for students with missing GPAs and unit loads.
DAVE | PETER H. - Run term summaries Tuesday afternoon, May 31. Run URM term summaries for OME.
PETER H. - Notify departments that electronic versions of term summaries are available to download.
RI - Run SAPU.SQR for CAP and SAPG.SQR, DOCSLONG.SQL, GRADGPA.SQL for GAP when term summaries are produced.
SHIRLEY - Run SHRGRNIH and send grades to Harvard for their students cross-registered at MIT. Fax reports to Harvard if requested. Produce and send unofficial transcripts to MassArt. Produce Wellesley grades in Excel format and share via Dropbox.
SHIRLEY - Track down missing HA and WC grades needed for graduation.
RI - Place any GAP or CAP votes on current term.



Completed Tasks


Active Tasks



PHILIP - Set up degree tracking to open for September applications when pre-registration opens.
PHILIP | MEGHAN - Publish "Dates and Deadlines" on the web for September 2022 graduation by the opening of pre-registration.
RI - Send email to HASS, CI, and physical education with list of degree candidates with deficiencies in early March. Email departments with lists of candidates with Incompletes in early April.
TBH PHILIPs Old Role - Email each applicant who 1) is not a candidate or 2) is a candidate but deficient in units, CI, HASS concentration forms, or physical education. Follow up with students who have not responded.
TBH PHILIPs Old Role | RI | PETER H. - The last date for S^3 to readmit a not-registered candidate for the Spring degree list is MAY 1. Any re-admit after this date must wait until the September degree cycle. This was agreed with David Randall on 5/30/12.
TBH PHILIPs Old Role - Provide list of undergraduate candidates who need transfer credit to Shirley.
DAVE | PETER H. - The week before pre-registration opens run degree audit refresh and check; fix students' records.
PETER H. - Check if any students suspended by COD are eligible to return and graduate.
RI - Send email to undergraduate departments reminding them how double major degree candidates will be handled if they have not met all the degree requirements. The default is the student will be taken off the degree list UNLESS the department tells the CAP the student wants to receive a single major degree in one of the programs. It is the department's responsibility to proactively contact the student prior to the meeting, find out if s/he wants to receive a single major degree, and bring that information to the degree candidates meeting.
PAM - Confirm that Chair of CoC can be available when CAP holds degree meeting to review any last-minute petitions that may surface.
RI | TBH PHILIPs Old Role | MARTI - Review list of candidates/applicants with deficiencies.
MARTI - Run Final Degree List. Send copies to graduate administrators and Graduate Dean.
TBH PHILIPs Old Role - Send copies of Final Degree List to undergraduate administrators on May 25.
PHILIP | PATTY (AY22 ONLY) - Provide HASS and departments with updated minor list.
TBH PHILIPs Old Role | MARTI - Remove the candidate condition in Degree Tracking as students come off the degree list.
BRIAN - Arrange for late approval of students being added to degree list. Provost, Chancellor, Chair of Faculty, CAP Chair, GAP Chair, and Registrar.
MARTI - Confirm with SFS that degree holds must clear for CAP/GAP degree meetings on Thursday, June 2. All students must be cleared by the degree meetings.
PETER H. - Confirm with FSILG Office that FSILG degree holds must clear for CAP/GAP degree meetings on June 3 (FSILGs have been given a deadline of May 28).
PETER H. - Check disciplinary degree holds with COD and confirm hearings will be held before CAP/GAP degree meetings on June 3.
PETER H. - Keep Ri, Marti, and TBH Philip's Old Role informed about candidates on degree hold.
PHILIP | PATTY (AY22 ONLY) - SHASS and departments must provide a final list of completed minors by 5:00 pm. Tuesday, May 24.
TBH PHILIPs Old Role | RI | MARTI - Review students on final degree list. Make particular note of deficient students who are double majors.
RI - Send email to Phys Ed and Patty (CI and HASS concentration forms) with list of degree candidates with deficiencies.
RI - Contact each department to see on which students there is agreement (including removes); describe all students with problems to the departments so that they can be working on resolving them; then come to CAP meeting to discuss exceptions only.
RI | PATTY - Do a final check late in the day on degree holds, Phys Ed, and CI and HASS.
PETER H. - Prepare templates for May digital diplomas.
PETER H. | RI - Prepare csv files of recipient lists for digital diplomas and upload to Hyland portal.
PETER H. - Send email to graduating students inviting them to download Digital Wallet app so they can receive a digital diploma.
PETER H. - Issue digital diplomas as early as possible on Thursday, May 26.

Subject Evaluation / WTW


Completed Tasks


Active Tasks



PIERO | NICOLE - Run error-checking after WTW closes and send reports to SE coordinators.
NICOLE | MEGHAN - Develop marketing and communication materials.
NICOLE | PIERO | KATHLEEN - Add WRAP Instructors to CI subjects.
NICOLE | MEGHAN - Flip the SE website for window open and close.
NICOLE | PIERO - Send email reminders (opening of SE period, reminders, last chance).
PIERO | NICOLE - Monitor sehelp emails for issues.
MEGHAN - Update online announcements and social media while SE is open.
PIERO - Run daily response rate and status checks.
PIERO - Run final screening of results before publishing.
PIERO | NICOLE - Publish evaluation reports.